Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Plan for the Final Exam

Since some of you gave me comments, I'm sending out this short update.  Today I turned in the menu for my final exam, so I am committed.  In case you are curious, my menu is very traditional and boring compared with some:
  • Potage a la bonne femme (leek and potato soup) with homemade croutons
  • Roast stuffed chicken with gravy
  • Roasted potatoes
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Glazed carrots
  • Poached pears with sweet geranium leaves and sweet geranium cream
I'll also do whatever bread I'm assigned.  I've either done each of these dishes or something very close.  In some way, each of the dishes is similar to ones I had as a child.  I haven't actually cooked Brussels sprouts here but they are cooked like other green vegetables, which at Ballymaloe means cooked too long and not crisp.  Also, this isn't the season for Brussels sprouts, so they may tell me to substitute. 

Kind of strange, but I'm starting to look forward to the challenge.  My plan of work will be something like the following:  start with making the stuffing, preparing the chicken, and getting it in the oven ASAP; start the bread; poach the pears; boil and infuse the cream with the sweet geranium; refrigerate the pears while reducing the syrup; start the soup; prepare the vegetables (but not cook -- too early); make the croutons; pre-boil the potatoes; back to the bread (depending on the type); potatoes in the oven with lots of duck fat; start the carrots; boil the Brussels sprouts; whip the cream; move the chicken to another pan, while I make the gravy using the drippings; puree the soup.  About now I should be removing the chicken from the oven to rest for 15-20 minutes.  Reheat the soup; finish the vegetables; carve the chicken; and prepare the presentation.  Several little things I haven't mentioned (and probably one or two I've missed), but this is most of it.  Piece of cake!  Actually, if it happens anything like this and I get done in 3-1/2 hours (1/2 hour over), I'll be happy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tom -

    Sounds to me like you have a plan! The roasted chicken with potatoes sounds like a winner. When do you prepare your final meal and take your written final?

    I spoke with Charlene today, and she told me you have a marvelous recipe for lobster. That's one I'd like to hear more about.

    I hope you enjoy your last week (+) of school and have a great vacation when Charlene gets there!

    Hope to see you at Thanksgiving.

